Category: I Want to Sell My House, Now What?

October 02
Seller’s Guide

Managing Emotional Farewell

Leaving a beloved home is a major life change, and it can be an emotional experience. After all, you’ve probably made many memories in your home, and it’s likely where you’ve raised a family, celebrated holidays, and shared special moments with loved ones. It’s perfectly normal to feel sad, nostalgic, or even anxious about leaving…

October 02
Seller’s Guide

Mastering for the Final Walkthrough

What is a final walkthrough? The final walkthrough is a last chance for buyers to inspect the property before closing. It’s typically scheduled on the day of closing, or the day before. During the final walkthrough, buyers will check to make sure that the home is in the same condition as it was when they…

September 12
Seller’s Guide

How to Handle Home Inspection Issues as a Seller

The home inspection process can be a nerve-wracking experience for sellers. After all, it’s an opportunity for buyers to find any potential problems with your home. But if you’re prepared, you can turn this potential challenge into an advantage. Here are a few things to keep in mind when handling home inspection issues as a…

September 12
Seller’s Guide

Navigating Multiple Offers: An Expert Guide

A seller’s dream scenario is often to receive multiple offers on their property. But with this enviable situation comes the challenge of decision-making. At Halona Realty, we’ve guided countless clients through these crossroads. Here’s our collective wisdom for home sellers faced with multiple bids: 1. Understanding the Significance Multiple offers signal a strong interest in…

September 12
Seller’s Guide

Best Practices for Successfully Selling Your Home

The path to a successful home sale is paved with smart choices. Let’s delve into the top strategies that can position your home for a swift and profitable sale. 1. Pricing Your Property Right: The Advantage: A competitively priced home attracts more potential buyers and can expedite the sale process. Expert Tip: Partner with an…