Mastering for the Final Walkthrough

What is a final walkthrough?

The final walkthrough is a last chance for buyers to inspect the property before closing. It’s typically scheduled on the day of closing, or the day before. During the final walkthrough, buyers will check to make sure that the home is in the same condition as it was when they made the offer, and that all repairs have been completed.

Why is it important to have a successful final walkthrough?

A successful final walkthrough is important for both buyers and sellers. For buyers, it gives them peace of mind knowing that the home is in the condition they expected. For sellers, it ensures that the closing process can go through smoothly and without any delays.

How to prepare your home for the final walkthrough?

Here are some tips on how to prepare your home for the final walkthrough:

1. Clean the home thoroughly

The home should be clean and in good condition for the final walkthrough. This means sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and mopping all floors. You should also clean the bathrooms and kitchen, and make sure that all appliances are clean and in working order.

2. Make any necessary repairs

If there are any repairs that need to be made to the home, they should be completed before the final walkthrough. This includes things like fixing broken light fixtures, leaky faucets, and holes in the walls. If you’re not sure whether or not a repair is necessary, ask your real estate agent for advice.

3. Remove all personal belongings

The home should be empty of all personal belongings before the final walkthrough. This includes furniture, appliances, and decorations. You should also remove any trash or debris from the property.

4. Turn on all utilities

The utilities should be turned on in the home for the final walkthrough. This includes water, electricity, and gas. This will allow the buyers to test all of the appliances and make sure that they are working properly.

5. Be prepared to answer questions

Be prepared to answer any questions that the buyers may have during the final walkthrough. This may include questions about the repairs that were made, the condition of the home, or the neighborhood.

Here is a more detailed checklist of things to clean and repair before the final walkthrough:

Inside the home

  • Sweep and mop all floors
  • Vacuum carpets and rugs
  • Dust all surfaces
  • Clean the bathrooms, including the toilets, sinks, and showers
  • Clean the kitchen, including the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, and countertops
  • Clean the appliances, including the washer and dryer
  • Make sure all light fixtures and outlets are working
  • Check all faucets and drains for leaks
  • Repair any holes in the walls or ceilings
  • Clean the windows and windowsills
  • Clean the doors and doorknobs
  • Remove all trash and debris

Outside the home

  • Sweep and mow the lawn
  • Trim the hedges and shrubs
  • Remove any weeds or overgrown plants
  • Power wash the driveway and walkway
  • Clean the gutters and downspouts
  • Make sure all exterior lights are working
  • Repair any damage to the exterior of the home, such as peeling paint or cracked siding

By following these tips, you can ensure that your home is in top shape for the final walkthrough with the buyers. This will help to ensure a smooth and successful closing process.

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